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What is Meditative Archery?


Meditative Archery is a workshop that is designed to help people get in touch with strong, difficult emotions - rage, anger, loss, and grief in a safe place with a trained guide. The goal for the workshop attendee would be to build a skill that gives a unique way to look at these strong emotions and make peace/co-exist with them - Using the visceral skill of archery.


At best, our culture is uncomfortable with strong emotions, at worst, antagonistic against them. But anger/grief/loss/rage can be a gift, a gift that informs us that all is not well. It also can be a good tool for getting us closer to what lies under the surface and needs to be looked at.


What can you expect?

  • You can expect to connect to your body through archery and learn a basic understanding of that skill.

  • You can expect to not only shoot at what invokes a strong emotional response in you and experience some good, old-fashioned release, as well.

  • You can expect to learn a Jungian-based, shadow-work journaling technique that will help you gain a better understanding of your relationship with what’s behind the anger, rage and loss and grief.

  • You can expect to develop a meditative approach for the future and tools to help deal with those strong feelings.

Set up a private one-on-one experience or group session today!



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