All I can say is Thank you! Thanks for the love and support this year. I have branched out and tried more workshops this last year, more ways of helping connect us body, soul, and spirit.
More ways of engaging radical self-care and self awareness...Why do we do what we do? What motivates us? And how can we avoid being lead around by hidden motivations.
I will continue to work toward my own radical self awareness and self-love. I will keep looking for ways to expand my skills so that I can continue to offer you the best of myself.
What can you look forward to in the new year?
I will be taking on more Directees for one-on-one direction
I will offer more Intensive Journaling Workshops local, beach and online choices
Dream Journal Workshops
By-weekly/monthly Intensive Journal upkeep workshops
Meditative Archery workshops in other states
Meditative Labyrinth Workshops
And working on a monthly pocket zine
Angie ❤